We understand non-monogamy.

True compatibility is both emotional and physical.

matchmaking website

Daniella Guimaraes, non-monogamous matchmaker TM

Motivated by her own journey and a desire to support others seeking fulfilling non-monogamous relationships, Daniella founded Velvet Ties.
Daniella's passion for non-monogamy has been a lifelong journey, driven by her innate desire for personal freedom and honest connections. Throughout her life, Daniella explored various relationship structures, realizing that monogamy did not fulfill her needs. However, it wasn't until she found herself partnered with someone who shared her non-monogamous mindset that Daniella truly experienced the transformative power of open communication and complete authenticity.

But alongside this feeling of liberation, she witnessed the struggles faced by her non-monogamous friends. They often felt confined within societal expectations or unable to express their true selves.
Through careful consideration of individual desires, needs, and communication styles, Daniella aims to connect like-minded individuals, fostering meaningful connections within the non-monogamous community. Whether seeking monogamish dynamics or fully open arrangements, Daniella and Velvet Ties are committed to helping individuals find the freedom and happiness that comes with genuine connection.
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Success Formula

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Intimate Interests
A fulfilling intimate life is crucial for sustaining a loving relationship.
Read More... Whether it involves k1nk preferences or desired levels of intimacy, we delve into important aspects. Are you inclined towards role-play or power dynamics? Do you identify as submissive, dominant, or a switch? We also address boundaries and explore what you would or wouldn't be open to exploring.

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No one wants to feel constantly rejected or pushed for more.
We'll match you with someone who has a similar drive, be that twice a day or twice a year. In cases where partners have differing libidos, openness can offer a way to balance those needs and maintain a harmonious connection.
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Velvet celebrates the differences that make each person who they are.
We are committed to adapt our service to provide equity to all people independent of gender, race, and religion.

Setting Ourselves Apart

with a revolutionary approach to connections

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No ENM - Monogamy Only
Services Couples
Matches Couples
Committed Dating Only
Non-commited Relationships (solo poly, or secondary)
Community Buidling
Community Building
Superficial Matching
Intimacy and Dynamics Match
Services Singels Only
Services Married Individuals